Vellvette Bag : October
Hey guys,
So I woke up this morning and as I was rushing to work the postman arrived with a package.. Stupid of me to start jumping up in glee as I didn't know how this package was going to upset me... The minuteI got to work and opened it.. I was upset... It was my dreaded subscription - Vellvette Bag... If you don't already know why I hate Vellvette then read this.
So lets get to it..
Bag- Hate the color.. According to their email the color of the bag is supposed to remind you of the ocean and the blue waters.. Well I don't get sea sick but the color of this bag definitely makes me want to hurl... The shape is weird and slightly different than last time.. Hate it... Will be passing it on to whoever wants it!
1) Vantiv Moisturizing Shampoo and Refreshing Shower Gel: Well to be honest the only thing I appreciate about this product is the quantity and I won't lie they sent a full size! The Shampoo smells like a salon - a smell that I don't like.. And the Shower Gel has a fake lemon smell! And I love anything citrus so I know my citrus smells well and this definitely aint it! I will definitely not be using the shower gel as I can't stand the lab-generated citrus/lemon smell and might get sick, esp if the scent lingers.. *off to vom* The Shampoo has Aloe Vera and Vitamin E and is supposed to reduce dryness and frizziness.. will give it a try but lets see...
Also Just Curious what brand is this? Ive never seen it anywhere... I mean i get that the whole point of getting a subscription bag is to try out new products, but I would like to try out products from brands known.. not something out of a wedlock! I tried to look this brand up and I got nothing! Should I give the shampoo a go? Im having second thoughts! Let me know in the comments below...
Full Size - INR 401.
Will I repurchase : Nope! The shower gel smells disgusting enough to toss out immediately and the shampoo doesn't really interest me much...
2) SK II Facial Treatment Cleaning Gel - Okay put your phone or tab down/ step away from your laptop and give Vellvette a huge round of applause for sending me such a hugeeee sample of this product! I mean how big is it right?? 5 Freaking Whole Grams! I mean can you believe it! I am being sarcastic if you didn't get it already! I appreciate an SK II sample but at least have the decency to send a good size or 2 of the 5gms product! Again I am baffled at how they expect me to like this when the product inside the tube is probably good only for maybe 1-2 face washes? I mean if I casually waltz over to the Lancome counter in Mumbai they happily give out more samples than this and better sizes might I add.. The quantity is ridiculous and will not help me decide if I like this product or not.. I feel ripped off! *slaps head*
Also mine was manufactured in April 2012 and most SK II products have a 1 year shelf life, I couldn't dig up the exact shelf life of this product but am I over thinking and assuming this is an expired product? eeeeek!
Full Size- INR 3500
Will I purchase the full size? : How do I know if its worth 3500? This sample is not enough to help me decide! Also has my product expired? (do let me know in the comments if you know the answer to that) But as of now, No :(

3) Florelle Wet & Dry Blush - Marmorized - I mean would you take a look at it? Starters - the writing on the lid is rubbed off I just see flore instead of florelle.. Worn out product - perhaps close to expiry as well? I don't know.. It looks rugged enough ! Mains - Also what the hell is a wet blush? Do I wet my brush and use the blush in that case where is the brush or mirror? The packaging is cheap.. and the product is low quality.. Also it had blue flecks in it which show up prominently if you use a wet brush.. Thanks Vellvette blue cheeks is just what I need! ( if you swirl your dry brush or finger around the blue integrates with the mauve to give a weird color) Dessert - What the hell is this color? It looks decent in a swatch but its not my choice of color.. I tried it on in the office and my father immediately said what is up with your cheeks? The color is digusting will you please get it off?
Also word of caution do not use a wet brush unless your into blue whiskers and would prefer blue stripes on your cheeks..
Full Size - 750 (What the ...? For this? your kidding me right.. somebody please tell me its a printing error!)
Will I Repurchase? : Do I really need to answer this? Well, NO!
Also along with this shitty bag they don't forget to send you something to torture people you dislike.. Your probably wondering what it is.. Its an invite for your friend to Vellvette! Any takers? Ya I didn't think so.. Straight to Trash! ( Also such a pathetic attempt to get customers by offering INR 100 off!)

Okay so overall.. Thank you so much Vellvette for ruining the awesome start to my weekend with such a shitty bag.. I don't mean to offend those that loved their bags but then I am paying almost 500 a month I expect to get better products than this.. Atleast decent products.. Vellvette started out as a superb subscription service but they have deteriorated rapidly and most of my friends, bloggers have all unsubscribed already and I am on that bandwagon.. I have already sent them an email saying I repent paying for a whole year and would like my money back... I was also due an additional product this month as well as pending samples from the past months and got NONE! This is just so infuriating.. For those that are thinking of subscribing- DONT! I am thoroughly unhappy with them and their customer service.. numerous emails about pending samples have been not replied to and its come to a point where its absolutely ridiculous now.. I need some retail therapy now to get over this nightmare! Any suggestions?